Module 4 – Histogram Lab (19 of 22 discussion 2) – Mod 4 Group 1
I need help with a Mathematics question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.
Hello professor,
1. I will post the question of the discussion for you with all the requirements needed for it, so please read them carefully and follow them all and do it.
2. Please follow the directions that my teacher wants us to do when we do the discussion I will post them all for you after I post the discussion question for you.
3. I will send you my (Canvas) username and password to read the stuff that she wants us to read from canvas for this discussion.
4. I need you to write all with your own words and I don’t need any plagiarism pleaseee.
5. Please contact me if you need anything or if you want me to send you more information about the discussion.
Module 4 – Histogram Lab (19 of 22 discussion 2) – Mod 4 Group 1
From 2020FA-MATH-160-1469
33 unread replies.33 replies.
Learn by Doing
This is the first of several mini-labs designed to teach you how to use StatCrunch. Later in the course, you will be expected to complete more extensive labs and in-class quizzes/exams using the skills learned in these early mini-labs.
Some features of this activity may not work well on a cell phone or tablet. We highly recommend that you complete this activity on a computer.
Here are the directions, grading rubric, and definition of high-quality feedback for the Learn by Doing discussion board exercises.
A list of StatCrunch directions is provided at the bottom of this page.
We will use the Best Actor Oscar winners (1970–2001) data file to learn how to create a histogram using StatCrunch, and to practice what we’ve learned about describing a histogram. We are interested in describing the distribution of actors’ ages when they won the Best Actor Oscar.
Start by downloading the actor datafile to your computer.
- Here are the directions for downloading the datafile.
- Here is the actor (Links to an external site.) datafile. (This is the “Excel” file.)
Next you will create a histogram of the ages of Best Oscar winners and upload your histogram to your Stats-Class folder in Canvas. Here are the steps.
- Login and open StatCrunch (directions).
- Upload the ages data file to StatCrunch (directions).
- Create a histogram of the ages of Best Actor Oscar winners (directions).
- Download the StatCrunch output window, your histogram (directions).
- Store your histogram (the .png file) in your Stats-Class folder (directions).
In your initial post, respond to the following discussion prompt.
- Describe the distribution of ages of the Best Actor Oscar winners. Your description should include: shape, center (a typical representative age), a typical interval of representative ages, spread (overall range of ages), and any outliers (unusual ages). Be sure to embed your histogram in your initial post (directions). Please do not submit your histogram as an attachment.
- Create a second histogram for the distribution of ages, and adjust the bin width (directions). Try both smaller and larger bin widths. Choose a bin width so that your second histogram does not look like the first. Upload your second histogram to your Stats-Class folder. Also embed your second histogram with your initial post. Indicate which histogram is better for analyzing the data (your first embedded histogram or your second). Explain why.
List of StatCrunch Directions
Each link will open in a new window. To return to this discussion, either close the new tab or select the tab for this discussion.
- Create Your Stats-Class Folder in Canvas (You only need to do this once.)
- Purchase StatCrunch (You only need to do this once.)
- Open StatCrunch
- Download Excel Data File
- Upload Excel Data File to StatCrunch
- Download StatCrunch Output Window (no screenshots; please use these directions)
- Upload Files into Your Stat-Class Folder in Canvas
- Embed Pictures in a Discussion Post (no attachments; please use these directions)
- Create a Histogram
- Adjust Histogram Bin Width
Here is a PDF document with all StatCrunch directions (Links to an external site.).
To view the grading rubric for this discussion board, click on menu icon (three vertical dots) and then select show rubric. Please note, if viewing the course via the Canvas mobile app the rubric does not appear on this page.
Tips for Success
- To post your initial post, click the “reply” button at the top of the introduction thread below.
- You are required to reply to two of your peers in this discussion; don’t forget to complete this requirement of the activity or you will lose points. Provide high-quality feedback to your peers.