Points 24 Answer the questions below. When you have finishe

Points: 24 Answer the questions below. When you have finished,submit this assignment to your teacher.Please remember to record the number of drops ofReagent D needed to turn the solution light blue in each phase.Part 1: Lab setup:(1 point)1) Which phase is the control phase? Answer: MEASURE, ANALYZE, and IMPROVE phases(1 point)2) What variable is controlled and stays the same in all3 phases?Answer:the molecule?(1 point)3) What is the independent variable (the one are wechanging to see if it impacts the dependent variable)?Answer:(1 point)4) What is the dependent variable (the one we aremeasuring)? Answer:Part 2: ExperimentPhaseAmount of watermL or dropsAmount of yeastmL or drops (20 drops = 1 mL)16 mLnone26 mL10 Drops or 0.5 mL36 mL20 drops or 1 mL(3 points)5) Completethe data table. You can use our data from class or your own.AnswerPhase 1Phase 2Phase 3O2 concentration in ppm (parts per million) = number of drops of Reagent D addedto reach blue color (when it is blue this means the oxygen has beencompletely depleted) and observationsNumber of drops:Observations:Number of drops:Observations:Number of drops:Observations:(3 points)6) RegardingPhase 3 of the experiment:· Were more or lessdrops of Reagent D (sodium hydroxide) were needed to get the same blue color asin Phase 1 and 2?Answer:· What does thistell us about the available amount of dissolved oxygen in the water compared toPhase 1 and 2?Answer:(3 points)7) Inthis lab, you continued to add Reagent D to each solution until it turned blue.The purpose was to remove the oxygen to measure how much was left. · In which phase(s)did the solution turn blue beforeyou added Reagent D?Answer:· What do you thinkthat means?Answer:(3 points)8) Whatwould happen to the dissolved oxygen in the Chesapeake Bay if large amounts ofwaste were dumped into it? (Make sure you read and use theinformation from Lesson 5.07 when putting together your answer to thisquestion).Answer:(2 points)9) Isthis demonstration a good example of eutrophication in the Chesapeake Bay? Whyor why not?Answer:(2 points)10) Doesthe Chesapeake Bay have uniform dissolved oxygen content throughout thedifferent areas of the bay? If not, where would you expect to find higherlevels of nitrogen and lower levels of dissolved oxygen?Answer:(2 points)11) WhichPhase represents the Chesapeake Bay BEFORE human impact? Why? Which Phaserepresents the Chesapeake Bay after? Why? Answer:(2 points)12) Whatother human impacts have negatively influenced the biodiversity of theChesapeake Bay watershed? Explain using the food webs discussed in class. Answer:

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Cathy, CS.