Project Quality Management Plan
Develop 600 word Project Quality Management Plan
Using the following framework to guide your plan.
I. Purpose
a. Redesign SpartanNash yard so we can upgrade our Yard Management System (YMS)
b. The new YMS will improve safety by:
i. Eliminating the need to have people walking around the yard, performing manual checks.
ii. Instrumentation on yard trucks monitors speed, safe practices and hours of service for yard truck drivers.
iii. The YMS also helps secure the yard by tracking all moves from check-in to check-out.
iv. Improve our on-time performance
c. The new yard layout will improve our on – time by clearly defining the slot location of our equipment such as the following:
i. Empty Trailers (company owned)
ii. Empty trailers (3PL/Vendor)
iii. Loaded Trailers (company owned)
iv. Loaded Trailers (3PL/Vendor)
v. Out of Service Trailers (company)
vi. Trailers with refused product from the customer
vii. Tractor locations
1. Out of Service units
2. Available units
II. Project Quality Definition
III. Project Quality Measure Determinations
a. Measurement Criteria
b. Metrics
c. Monitoring Processes
d. Methods and Tool
IV. Assessments
a. Reviews and Audits
b. Corrective actions
Project Quality Management Plan
Develop 500 word min. Project Quality Management Plan
Using the following framework to guide your plan.
I. Purpose
a. Redesign SpartanNash yard so we can upgrade our Yard Management System (YMS)
b. The new YMS will improve safety by:
i. Eliminating the need to have people walking around the yard, performing manual checks.
ii. Instrumentation on yard trucks monitors speed, safe practices and hours of service for yard truck drivers.
iii. The YMS also helps secure the yard by tracking all moves from check-in to check-out.
iv. Improve our on-time performance
c. The new yard layout will improve our on – time by clearly defining the slot location of our equipment such as the following:
i. Empty Trailers (company owned)
ii. Empty trailers (3PL/Vendor)
iii. Loaded Trailers (company owned)
iv. Loaded Trailers (3PL/Vendor)
v. Out of Service Trailers (company)
vi. Trailers with refused product from the customer
vii. Tractor locations
1. Out of Service units
2. Available units
II. Project Quality Definition
III. Project Quality Measure Determinations
a. Measurement Criteria
b. Metrics
c. Monitoring Processes
d. Methods and Tools
IV. Assessments
a. Reviews and Audits
b. Corrective actions