“The old notion that you can drive a belief into a man at
“The old notion that you can drive a belief into a man at the point of a bayonet is in force once more. It is quite as foolish to think that if militarism is an idea and an ideal, it can be changed and crushed by counter-militarism or by a bayonet charge. And the young men in these various countries say of the bayonet charges: ‘That is what we cannot not think of.’ We heard in all countries similar statements in regard to the necessity of the use of stimulants before men would engage in bayonet charges—that they have a regular formula in Germany, that they give them rum in England and absinthe in France; that they all have to give them ‘dope’ before the bayonet charge is possible. Well, now, think of that.No one knows who is responsible for the war; all the warring nations are responsible, and they indict themselves. But in the end human nature must reassert itself. The old elements of human understanding and human kindliness among them must come to the fore, and then it may well be that they will reproach the neutral nations and will say: ‘What was the matter with the rest of the world that you kept quiet while this horrible thing was happening, and our men for a moment had lost their senses in this fanaticism of national feeling all over Europe?’” (Jane Addams, 1915, “The Revolt Against War,” The Survey, 34 (July 17), p. 359).Which of the following statements weakens the argument as it is presented?