Write two 350- to 700-word essays the first about one of th
Write two 350- to 700-word essays: the first about one of the readings from Ch. 14 listed below, and the second from one of the readings from Ch. 16 listed below. For each essay, remember to introduce your topics with a concise thesis statement and follow up with supportive arguments. Complete each essay with a logical conclusion.Choose one of the following readings from Ch. 14 and discuss how your selected reading illustrates the key principles of feminist thought:14.2: Simone de Beauvoir14.3: Nancy Chodorow14.4: Carol Gilligan14.5: Sandra Harding14.6: Hélène Cixous14.7: Sherryl KleinmanChoose one of the following readings from Ch. 16 and discuss how your selected reading illustrates key principles of postcolonialist thought:16.1: Léopold Sédar Senghor16.2: Martin Luther King Jr.16.3: Carlos Astrada16.4: Francisco Miró Quesada16.5: Sonia Saldivar-Hull16.6: Mohandas K. Ghandi