Professional Philosophy Statement

Professional Philosophy Statement: This week’s blog, compose a Professional Philosophy Statement, sometimes referred to as a work statement… Professional Philosophy Statement This week’s blog, compose a Professional Philosophy Statement, sometimes referred to as a work statement. This can be a valuable document to include with an application or portfolio, but it is also helpful preparation for interview questions.  This statement will be included as part of your final e-Portfolio that is due in Week Four. Your Professional Philosophy Statement should be 250-500 words. As you consider what to include in your statement, keep in mind the things that employers find […]

Formal Communication In Letter, Email, And The Professional World

Formal Communication In Letter, Email, And The Professional World: Portfolios are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Please complete the following assignments in the exact order listed. Each assignment should be on a single page to show proper formatting, but all should be submitted in ONE document. Submit this as ONE Microsoft Word document. Name the file JonesM -WritingAssignments-Week One [Replace “Jones” with your name and place the initial from your first name immediately following.] Click on title “Week 1 Writing Assignments” to attach your assignment. This week, you will be asked to put together a series of written communication that […]

Write Interview Questions

Write Interview Questions: For this assignment, you will explore the importance of written communication in the workplace by interviewing a professional… Write Interview Questions Interview Questions: Importance of Written Communications in Your Field. (Nursing) “Recent research proves that written communication skills are at the top of employers’ wish lists. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, 73.4% of employers want a candidate with strong written communication skills. Written communication was the number three most desired quality overall, behind leadership skills and ability to work as a team member.” (Moore, 2017, para. 2) For this assignment, you will explore […]

Statement of Ethics E-Portfolio Artifact

Statement of Ethics E-Portfolio Artifact: Whereas the Professional Philosophy Statement (work statement) from Week One focused on specific knowledge, skills and experience… Statement of Ethics E-Portfolio Artifact In this week’s blog post, please compose a statement of ethics of 250-500 words. Whereas the Professional Philosophy Statement (work statement) from Week One focused on specific knowledge, skills and experience, the primary focus of the Statement of Ethics is to share a little about the values that define you. For the purpose of this assignment, a general Statement of Ethics based on your field is fine, but feel free to imagine you […]

Family Assessment

Family Assessment: This learning activity aims for a full understanding and unbiased view of the family—not just its problems, but also its strengths, values, and goals… Family Assessment This learning activity aims for a full understanding and unbiased view of the family—not just its problems, but also its strengths, values, and goals. Understanding family structure and style is essential to caring for a family in the community setting. Conducting a family interview and needs assessment gathers information to identify strengths, as well as potential barriers to health. This information ultimately helps develop family-centered strategies for support and guidance. See the […]