These short answer questions are intended to measure your un

These short answer questions are intended to measure your understanding of the material.  These can be answered in no less than 175 words/question.  Your answers should be completed and submitted as one document via Turnitin in the week 2 assignments folder.  What has been theorized about risk factors? Why are certain groups more likely to be a victim of crime than others?Arguments that the victims of crime might share responsibility with their offenders are common in victimology. Outline and discuss the concepts of victim blaming and victim defending.Discuss the reasons why a victim might choose to not report a crime […]

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors

The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors health risk behaviors among U.S. high school students, which include tobacco use, alcohol and drug use, inadequate physical activity, unhealthy diet and risky sexual behavior. Approximately 8% of youth have tried marijuana before reaching age 13 years. How does marijuana use change over the high school years? In 2011, the survey randomly selected 3681 ninth-graders and 3632 twelfth-graders and asked them if they had used marijuana one or more times during the previous 30 days. Of these students, 664 ninth-graders and 1010 twelfth-graders said yes. Give a 99% confidence interval for the difference […]

The WTO is frequently criticized for defending its rules of

The WTO is frequently criticized for defending its rules of international trade regardless of the consequences for other social or national values (such as environmental protection, national sovereignty). Considering the GATT treaty and the decisions of the Dispute Settlement Body, do you think this criticism is justified, and why or why not? Are there certain cases where it is more justified than others?

The research department of theCOLLEGE STUDENT BLUE-JEANS has

The research department of theCOLLEGE STUDENT BLUE-JEANS has estimated the income elasticity of demand forblue-jeans of the Gap Corporation to be 1.4. Further, most economic forecastspredict a 4.5% increase in incomes for students during the upcoming year. Ifamong the blue-jeans sold to college students last year, 820,000 were of theGap brand, please estimate the number of additional blue-jeans that Gap expectsto sale in the upcoming year. Further, if the Gap Corporation has estimatedthat, on the average, one sales person is needed for every 800 blue-jeans soldannually, please estimate the number of additional sales persons Gap needs tohire in the upcoming […]

The Question isA department store in your hometown charges

The Question is:A department store in your hometown charges 9.75%tax; the store’s location in your cousins hometown only charges 7.25% tax. If a shopper’s pre-tax receipt is between $11.57 and $81.43, write and graph ( I know how to graph it once I have the equation) a compound inequality that describes the difference in taxes paid for the two locations ( to the nearest cent).So at first I was thinking maybe it went something like 11.57< .0975x-.0725x<81.43 but it doesn’t really make sense at the end. If you could just help me with the formula that would be so great, […]