Week 3 discussion: Criminal Justice Research

Week 3 discussion: Criminal Justice Research: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews and telephone surveys when collecting data in criminal justice research? Week 3 discussion: Criminal Justice Research Paper details Respond to the following in a minimum of 275 words:  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews and telephone surveys when collecting data in criminal justice research? Are victim surveys effective methods of capturing data related to criminal justice research? Why or why not? What is secondary data and how is it used? Why is it important? Criminal Justice ResearchResearch in criminal justice is vital […]

Forecasting Case Study

Forecasting Case Study: Find a forecasting in service case study and share its summary with the class. Reference your material properly… Forecasting Case Study Paper details Find a forecasting in service case study and share its summary with the class. Reference your material properly.  600 words min. Forecasting in Services in Korean Film IndustryIntroductionForecasting is a technique used to predict the future by using numerical facts and previous experience to indicate the end of a given product in the market. The forecast is used applied in a different field and is mostly used for business during budgeting. However, this paper […]

Discussion: Constitutional Rights

Discussion: Constitutional Rights: Provide an example of constitutional rights. How can you ensure that constitutional rights are upheld within your society? Discussion: Constitutional Rights Respond to the following in a minimum of 275 words:  Provide an example of constitutional rights. How can you ensure that constitutional rights are upheld within your society? What recommendations would you suggest to strengthen certain constitutional rights? Constitutional RightsConstitutional rights should be upheld in society to ensure human dignity, fairness, and justice. The courts should exercise their ability to enforce their decisions when protecting Constitutional rights from violation. The courts’ independence guarantees the enforcement of […]

Wk 4 – Right to Counsel Sample Solution

Wk 4 – Right to Counsel Sample Solution: The United States Constitution under the Sixth Amendment guarantees every citizen the right to access legal counsel for their defense in a criminal proceeding… Wk 4 – Right to Counsel Sample Solution The Right to CounselThe United States Constitution under the Sixth Amendment guarantees every citizen the right to access legal counsel for their defense in a criminal proceeding. In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court established that a fair trial guarantees all defendants facing criminal prosecution the right to an attorney. Hence, the right to counsel protects the accused from arbitrary […]

WK3 Discussion Privacy

WK3 Discussion Privacy: What is privacy? What are some distinctions between privacy and privacy laws? WK3 Discussion Privacy Paper details Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  What is privacy? What are some distinctions between privacy and privacy laws? How should they be upheld by the criminal justice system? How can you improve the expectation of privacy? Explain. Discussion Privacy LawsPrivacy is defined as freedom from intrusion by the public or any form of interference. Privacy is a fundamental right and the basis for Human Rights laws. Privacy enables us to establish boundaries that protect us from […]