Wk 3 – Criminal Procedure – Probable Cause Article Summary

Wk 3 – Criminal Procedure – Probable Cause Article Summary: Find a recent news article on the Internet that concerns probable cause and criminal procedure. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of the article in which you analyze the requirements for search and arrest warrants, and how they relate to the right to privacy and probable cause. In addition, discuss exceptions to warrant requirements. Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines. Probable Cause Article SummaryThe Fourth Amendment to the Constitution provides for the requirements of probable cause that are to be observed by the police before obtaining a warrant, searching, making an arrest. […]

Wk 2 Assignment – The Exclusionary Rule

Wk 2 Assignment – The Exclusionary Rule: CJA/315: Criminal Procedure: Write a 700- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the rationale and purpose of the exclusionary rule and identify exceptions to the rule… Wk 2 Assignment – The Exclusionary Rule: CJA/315: Criminal Procedure CJA/315: Criminal Procedure Research the exclusionary rule. Write a 700- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the rationale and purpose of the exclusionary rule and identify exceptions to the rule. In your analysis, state the costs and benefits of the exclusionary rule, as well as alternative remedies to the rule. State your position on the exclusionary rule and […]

The Exclusionary Rule – Wk 2 Discussion

The Exclusionary Rule – Wk 2 Discussion: Provide an example of the exclusionary rule. What distinctions can be made between the exclusionary rule and alternative remedies… The Exclusionary Rule – Wk 2 Discussion Paper details CJA/315: Criminal Procedure Wk 2 Discussion – The Exclusionary Rule Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  Provide an example of the exclusionary rule. ·         What distinctions can be made between the exclusionary rule and alternative remedies? ·         What recommendations would you suggest regarding alternative remedies to the exclusionary rule? ·         Should the exclusionary rule be abolished? Why or why not?  Exclusionary […]

Sentencing Proposal: Wk 5 – Signature Assignment

Sentencing Proposal: Wk 5 – Signature Assignment: After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3… Sentencing Proposal: Wk 5 – Signature Assignment Assignment Content After a defendant receives a guilty verdict, there is more work to be done. This assignment allows you to explore sentencing options as you continue to think about the case your learning team worked on in Week 3.  Read the ruling carefully and return to the […]

Discussion: Cybercrime threats

Discussion: Cybercrime threats: What is the greatest cybercrime threat in the U.S. today? How can it be prevented… Discussion: Cybercrime threats Respond to the following in a minimum of 250 words: What is the greatest cybercrime threat in the U.S. today? How can it be prevented? Do you agree or disagree with the penalties in your state for cybercrimes? Do you agree or disagree with the federal penalties for cybercrimes? What punishment do cybercriminals deserve? Explain your answers. How can we protect ourselves against cybercrimes? DiscussionCybercrime threatsCybercrimes are evolving into more dangerous and sophisticated ways that criminals, terrorists, and predators […]