Big Data – detailed technical migration plan(may need to specify the command needed) for moving data from Hive to Camel-MongoDB, Spark and Kafka, Sentry and/or IAM (Identity Access Manager) for AWS. Paper details: Computer Science – Big Data Module Project: (1100words) Let’s suppose you have a data table in Hadoop’s Hive system. You are now requested to make a detailed plan including all the step and commands that you would need to migrate data from Hive to other applications within the Hadoop environment: Follow all the steps below and specifically include all the command and execution that you would […]
Business regression analysis
Description TERM PAPER Write a 15 page on the individual project below ( Use graphs where applicable): Individual Research Project Select a company, government agency or any other service outlet and one of its products that interest you to study from an applied economic point of view. You are encouraged to look up articles about your chosen company or agency utilizing such sources as Business Week, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Marketing Communications, Media-Scope, Advertising Age, Law Enforcement Magazines, Health Magazines, and etc. If possible, you should visit or correspond with the company or agency, contact distributors or agents, and discuss […]
Mass Media
Mass Media Paper details: -Chapter 6 on “The News Media” from the Struggle for Democracy by Drs. Greenberg and Page, and -Chapter 13 on the “Mass Media” from the Democracy for the Few by Dr. Parenti. Scholarly research shows that the mass media help set the political agenda for ordinary citizens. But there are two kinds of mass media in the United States: The Mainstream media owned by giant corporations, like the CNN, L.A Times, N.Y. Times, the Wall Street Journal, Times Magazine, Newsweek, CBS, NBC, ABC… And the Non-Mainstream media which run no corporate commercials /advertisements and are […]
Assessing Personal Distractions – Staying focused
Instructions For this assignment, you will participate in a video using the video capabilities in NCUOne or you can use your phone or another multi-media source. Also, keep writing – you have to include a minimum of 15 articles for your final assignment. Your professor will provide feedback for your introduction and central components and you must be able to tie this information together for your Signature Assignment. The video must include how you will commit to managing distractions while keeping a healthy work/life/academic balance. Also include your support network in the video, for example, your family, friends, co-workers, dog, […]
Concepts, processes, and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment.
Write a 3 page report on the concepts, processes, and tools needed to conduct a community health assessment, how to find the data, and how to validate the data. Explain the factors that can affect the health of a community, along with how to obtain that information. Understanding community and state health care issues and concerns, the local resources available, and accessibility of those resources can inform health care practices and improve quality patient outcomes. • Competency 2: Describe the concepts, processes, and tools required to conduct comprehensive health assessments for individuals, families, communities, and populations. o Describe the data […]