I’m studying for my Powerpoint class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? Please create a 7-10 minute powerpoint presentation with talking points and a script on how data analytics will play into HR in the future. Please also go over how data analytics is used in HR now and how it can change in the future. Please include a script for each slide “There are instructions on how to create a good presentation in our course modules (here). I expect very thoughtfully put together slides. When in doubt, put less. If you have 2-4 […]
Essay #2: Entering the Conversation
I’m stuck on a English question and need an explanation. Essay #2: Entering the Conversation In Essay #2, write an essay that makes a thesis-based argument about education. Your essay must respond specifically to at least one of the assigned articles from Ch. 14. You will choose the audience for your essay, but remember: your job is to “enter the conversation” about education begun by your sources. Your essay should include all of the following features: A precise thesis, or main claim A clearly defined audience Direct quotations or paraphrases of at least 1 article from Ch. 14 of From […]
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper evaluating economists’ assessments of the role the 4 factors of production played in determining how the economic concentration you selected has evolved.
I don’t know how to handle this Business question and need guidance. Select 1 of the economic concentrations (clusters) below: Seattle-Tacoma-Olympia, WA aerospace / defense industry Central California winemaking industry Hollywood movie industry Silicon Valley Technology hub Texas / Louisiana Gulf Coast crude oil and natural gas production and refining Pre-1994 vs Post-1994 US auto and light truck production and the reasons for the change in economic concentration Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper evaluating economists’ assessments of the role the 4 factors of production played in determining how the economic concentration you selected has evolved. Complete the following in […]
WTBCSD Chapter 1 Summary – Week 3 DB 1
I’m working on a English exercise and need support. For your section, compose a summary that is one paragraph in length. Provide an overview of the main idea and key details of your part(s). Your summary should be about 6-9 sentences in length. Use academic writing (e.g. no contractions or slang) that is well-edited (e.g. free from capitalization errors, no missing words or misspellings, etc.) Sections: Untitled introduction section (1-5) and “Genius Identified” (27-31) “Who We Studied and Why” (5-11) “Integrating Your Abilities and Finding Your Passion” (11-21) “Growing the Creative Life” (21-25) and “Opening a New World” (25-27) Be […]
I’m working on a English exercise and need support. Instructions: Read “A Conservative Case for Basic Universal Income“(a potential topic for Essay 1) by Christian Bot. Add your initial reply post to this discussion by Wednesday night at 11:59 pm (to do so, just select the “reply” button, below). In your post please include the following: Assume that you will be writing an essay on the topic of Universal Basic Income. Take a stance; agree or disagree with the topic and then: Write a thesis stating your viewpoint; Write two to three topic sentences that would build that thesis statement; […]