Points of Similarity #2

Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. Choose Student Loan Debt, Driverless Cars, Universal Basic Income, Mandatory Military Service, Arming Teachers, or Fake News as a topic. Read the two essays on the topic. As you read the essays, make a list of the points each author makes; give the paragraph number(s) that speaks of each point. List all points you find. State the topic, the authors’ full names and “Essay Titles” in your first sentence. List the points for each author in two separate paragraphs: In the first paragraph, give the first author’s points […]

Contracts Continued

I need an explanation for this Business Law question to help me study. The Happy Gilmore Country Club conducted an annual Labor Day golf tournament. Mercedes Benz offered to give a new car as a prize to anyone making “a hole in one on hole no. 8.” The golf course of the club was only nine holes. To play 18 holes, the players would go around the course twice, although they would play from different tees or locations of the second nine holes. On the second time around, what was originally the eighth hole became the seventeenth hole. Scooter was […]

The Poster Presentation highlights the humanities disciplines’ appreciation of form reflecting content. The poster can make visible specific rhetorical moves, encouraging us to think not only about our ideas but also how we form our ideas.

Need help with my Humanities question – I’m studying for my class. The Poster Presentation highlights the humanities disciplines’ appreciation of form reflecting content. The poster can make visible specific rhetorical moves, encouraging us to think not only about our ideas but also how we form our ideas. You’ll be designing a Poster Presentation based on our readings in Module 1: Natural Imperfections & Human Longing. You may use the assigned and unassigned readings from your text, Being Human. This assignment encourages students to practice and perform a variety of ways of thinking: think creatively about a text, concept, or […]