Go online and search for project life cycle models. Identify at least two that are different from the PMI model, and compare and contrast the phases. Be sure to cite your sources.

I don’t know how to handle this Management question and need guidance. Answer the following questions 1. Go online and search for project life cycle models. Identify at least two that are different from the PMI model, and compare and contrast the phases. Be sure to cite your sources. 2. Software project decision point. You need to determine an interest rate to use—select an interest rate and explain why you think this number should be used. Use it in your calculations in item 1.2. Given the information below on options 1 and 2, carry out three forms of analysis: breakeven, […]

re-do the assignment

I need help with a Biology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. professor comment “You need to have better labels and titles for your graphs. You start the experiment by using a wide range of temperatures as you are looking for the range where you will find the optimum temperature, which is great. You also need to focus within that range to study temperature changes in smaller steps so you get a better idea of the optimum temperature.” Your write up should be in non numeric, paragraph form. Your write up should be in […]

discussion and respond to two classmates

I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study. Construct a one-paragraph argument about one of the following topics: The exposition, complication, climax of Sophocles, Oedipus the King; the central conflict of Sophocles, Oedipus the King; one of the characters of Sophocles, Oedipus the King; one of the dominant themes of Sophocles, Oedipus the King. Once you have selected a topic: Make a claim about how the literary elements above are significant in the assigned classical Greek tragedy. Alternatively, you may discuss the relationship between two of these elements in the play. Add evidence to support […]

I want reply posts a below 3 post to the topic in 150 words each using APA format and include at least 3 reference from journal articles

I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? Question: A. Using the Internet, review at least 3 articles on Profit-Cost-Volume relationship. Summary (300 words or more) the articles in your own words. B. As a manager, why is Profit-cost-volume important in planning? Support your response with numerical example(s) C. Using the Internet, review at least 3 articles on Variable Costing. Summary (300 words or more) the articles in your own words. D. As a manager, discuss how you would use Variable Costing in managerial decisions Support your response with numerical […]

Chapter DB 4: Instructions/Prompt [READ]- Make sure to do BOTH CHAPTERS 7 AND 8 PROMPTS

I don’t know how to handle this Communications question and need guidance. Chapter DB 4: Instructions/Prompt [READ] Link to CH DB 4: CH DB 4 Chapter 7: “One-Up Penelope” View the Saturday Night Live (SNL) clip entitled “Penelope: Therapy.” Penelope goes to group therapy and demonstrates poor listening behavior, which upsets her peers and therapist. https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/penelope—therapy/n12399 After you watch the video, respond to the following questions: What poor listening habits did you observe in the video? (Note: Stage hogging is obvious, so consider other poor listening habits listed in the textbook.) What was the effect of poor listening on the […]