The term was often used by popes to adress sovereigns who had favoured their policies. Not only were the King and Queen of Spain referred to by the pope as “Catholiques”, but the King of France was conferred the title of “Très Chretien” (Very Christian); and Henry VIII Tudor (would you believe it) was named “Fidei Defensor” (Defender of the Faith) by pope Leo X. So was James V of Scotland after him. The practice was common. Russia was “Holy” and France “The first Daughter of the Church”. Some Sovereigns flew the attribute like a banner (Elisabeth II still claims […]
What is unrestricted submarine warfare?
Unrestricted submarine warfare was the use of submarines to sink other ships without giving them a warning about their attack. ((Yes, I am quite aware that at times Wikipedia is not all that trustworthy but this was an excellent definition of unrestricted submarine warfare. If you want to read about the usage of unrestricted submarine warfare use the following link from a good source.) Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
What was the result of the Battle of Long Island?
Washington retreated, quickly! This was Washington’s first foray on the battlefield against the British and he was both unprepared and woefully overmatched. Washington’s position was so precarious that had it not been for a fog that set it allowing his escape, Washington and the entire continental army would have been defeated right there. As it was, Washington retreated up Manhattan to Ft. Washington where he crossed the Hudson River with as many troops as he could get across. Those who were stranded on the wrong side were captured by the British and quickly lined up and killed in full view […]
Why did small states oppose the Virginia Plan?
The Virginia Plan gave too much power to the large states. The Virginia plan created a legislative branch based entirely on population. Each state received a number of representatives based on the population in that state. The Virginia plan would have given dominance and legislative power to the large states at the expense of the small states. The compromise was found in the model of the Iroquois Confederation. The Iroquois had two legislative bodies. One was based on population the number of long houses. The second was the council of chiefs. In the council of chiefs each tribe was equal […]
What did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 try to accomplish?
Its a longer answer than a sentence my friend… These Resolutions attempted to refuse the federal government’s Alien and Sedition Acts, claiming them unconstitutional. The states’ Resolutions tried to (in a broad sense) make the claim that states had the ability to rule if federal laws were constitutional and then refuse to follow them if deemed unconditional.