Effective Approaches: In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice… Effective Approaches In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following: Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation. Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient […]
Category: Nursing Papers
This is a pediatric fillable SOAP note template for a 7-year-old caucasian male. Study it to gain knowledge of how to go about completing SOAP note templates and insights into how you can get expert SOAP note assignment help. PEDIATRIC FILLABLE SOAP NOTE TEMPLATE – 7-year-old Caucasian male STUDENT NAME: Amy Brown DATE OF ASSIGNMENT: 03/12/2019 Patient Initials: M.L. Date of Encounter: 03/07/2019 Sex: Male Age/DOB/Place of Birth:7-year-old male11/21/2011Cape Coral, FL SUBJECTIVE Historian: MotherPresent Concerns/CC: 7-year-old Caucasian male accompanied by his mother with complaints of seeing lights and spacing out. The mother states that her son stares into space and she […]
SOAP note on Women’s Health – 26 year old Hispanic female with vaginal discharge
This article is a SOAP note on women’s health – 26 year old Hispanic female with vaginal discharge. Study it to learn how to write SOAP notes on women’s health and gain insights into how you can get expert SOAP notes writing help. SOAP note week 3 women’s Health – 26 year old Hispanic female, with vaginal discharge SOAP note on Women’s Health 26 Hispanic yr female, with a complaint of increased vaginal discharge that is white, odorous for 5 days. I will send you the template in the files, you can make up the rest of the information. Differential […]
Jones Mental Health Assessment Subjective Data
This is a shadow health Tina Jones mental health assessment subjective data. Study it to gain knowledge of how to go about completing a mental health assessment subjective data and insights into how you can get expert Tina Jones mental health assessment subjective data assignment help. Jones Mental Health Assessment Subjective Data Subjective Data Collection: 44 of 44 (100.0%) Hover To Reveal… Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, including Pro Tips and Example Questions. Found:Indicates an item that you found. Available:Indicates an item that is available to be found. Category Scored Items Experts selected these topics as essential components of a […]
Lower Back Pain Soap Note Examples
These articles are lower back pain soap note examples. Study them to learn how to write lower back pain soap notes and gain insights into how you can get expert lower back pain soap note writing help. Lower Back Pain Soap Note Example 1 Subjective CC: lower back pain x 1 week HPI: 42-year-old obese female presents with complaints of lower back pain for the past week that feels worse today. The pain is constant and intermittently radiates down her left leg. It is not improved with ibuprofen. She works as a grocery store clerk. Review of systems: General: No fever, chills, weight […]