The Fact PaperIn this paper, you will describe a person, object, or event using only empirically verifiable facts. The objective of the paper is to convince your reader to see the person, object, or event in either a positive or negative light while ensuring that your paper remains completely free of any evaluative language. You paper should be 1000 words in length not including endnotes and bibliography.InstructionsChoose a person, object, or event that you find interesting and that you can readily research. It is better if you choose a topic about which people already have a strong opinion that differs from your own. For […]
Category: Elite Term Papers Samples
Database of sample papers to be used as study materials. Elite Term Papers Samples
The consumerization of Information Technology (IT) has given
The consumerization of Information Technology (IT) has given rise to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon in which employees bring personally owned mobile devices to the workplace and connect them to the corporate network. The Federal CIO Council released a BYOD Toolkit that includes three case studies of agencies that are implementing BYOD. Read “Bring Your Own Device – A Toolkit to Support Federal Agencies Implementing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Programs”, located at a two to four (2-4) page paper in which you:1. Examine the three (3) case studies in the toolkit in terms of: a. policy implications. b. “opt […]
Testing Assignment ScenarioYou and your testing team have b
Testing Assignment Scenario:You and your testing team have been tasked with testing a new benefits application that is being developed. Your company uses a flexible benefits plan, allowing company employees to customer their heal benefit plan based on personal preferences. The benefits application is expected to go live in 3 months.Your company’s Human Resources department uses a cafeteria-style approach to provide employees with health care benefits. Each September, employees review their current benefits, modify their elections and then sign election forms. Any changes must be entered and tracked in the benefits application. For medical insurance, an employee enrolls with a […]
PromptUse the resources that have been given to you in this
PromptUse the resources that have been given to you in this course as well as at least two additional reputable resources that you find on your own to write a cohesive,academic paper outlining your stress management action plan that specifically includes the following critical elements:I. Introductiona) Explain stress and the relevancy of stress within the larger field of psychology and within your own life, using the terminology covered throughoutthe course. What is stress? Why is stress an interesting topic of study for psychologists? How does stress play a role in your own life?b) Summarize two different studies either from the […]
Prior to completing the assignment,  review Chapter 4 of yo
Prior to completing the assignment, review Chapter 4 of your course text. You are a manager with 5 years of experience and need to write a reportfor senior management on how your firm can avoid the threat of a FederalTrade Commission investigation if you were to merge with other healthcare organizations. Research on your own to select a health careorganization in the United States that has been charged with anantitrust action within the last five years and use this information asthe basis for your paper. In your reportSummarize the charges and rebuttal or mitigation of charges used by the health […]