At the beginning of the year, Sielert Company had total assets of $811,020 and total liabilities of $386,080. Answer the following:(a) If total assets increased $169,710 during the year and total liabilities decreased $86,670, what is the amount of owner’s equity at the end of the year?(b) During the year, total liabilities increased $121,390 and owner’s equity decreased $62,230. What is the amount of total assets at the end of the year?(c) If total assets decreased $52,070 and owner’s equity increased $80,230 during the year, what is the amount of total liabilities at the end of the year?
AssignmentInstructions (ALL WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL NOT PLAGIARISM) The Assignment requires an analysisof specific financial data of Bob Smith Inc. Bob is an existing bank customer.When the loan to Bob was originally made in 2013 The bank required Bob to increasethe YE 2014 cash balance to at least $70,000. The Cash Flow Statement and BalanceSheet show an actual YE 2014 cash balance of less Than $34,000.The Assignment requiresparticipation in a team effort to complete the (partially Prepared) 2014 Cash Flow Statement.In Seminar 1 you discussed how to complete And use the 2014 Cash Flow Statementoutcomes to explain how specific accounts […]
AssignmentChoose a specific era of American history and wri
Assignment:Choose a specific era of American history and writea 10-12 page paper analyzing the relationship between American culture andmusic of the time. Keep your paper verytightly focused, covering no more than an approximately five-year time period. It may also be a good idea to focus on aspecific geographical region, because it may lead you to think in new ways(i.e. How did the weather, population, economy, technology, or politics of thisparticular place affect the music that was created there?)Consider the following as you gather your thoughts,but allow the logic of your paper’s thesis to guide your paper’s organization: What artists and […]
Assignment contains two parts. In the first part, type the a
Assignment contains two parts. In the first part, type the answer that best completes the sentence or answers the question. In the second part, respond to each of the short answer questions in your own wordsSection 11. _______ laws required married women to transfer their property to their husbands.2. In the case of _______, the Supreme Court established the principle of judicial review, which meant that the Supreme Court had the authority to judge the constitutionality of congressional laws and executive actions.3. As the most significant achievement in canal construction of the 1820s and 1830s, the 363-mile-long _______ linked New York […]
Assignment 1In the United States, each political party write
Assignment 1In the United States, each political party writes a platform. The definition of a party platform is, “is a list of the principles which a political party supports in order to appeal to the general public for the purpose of having said party’s candidates voted into office. This often takes the form of a list of support for, or opposition to, controversial topics. Individual topics are often called planks of the platform.”I have posted the most recent party platforms for the Republican and Democrat parties. If you would like to use a different political party, please feel free to […]