an explanation of how the cultural differences in the ethical norms and codes of conduct in your chosen countries might affect a public administrator’s perception of human rights within that country. Then, explain how both global governance structures and nongovernmental organizations might address these differences in ethical norms and values in order to improve human rights in that country.
After reading each chapter 14 and 15 complete the assignmen
After reading each chapter; 14 and 15 complete the assignment- Read the Cases for Discussion at the end of each chapter. For each scenario provide answers to the questions that were posed at the end of the case and provide information from the code of ethics that support your argument. Indicate which codes you used.Chapter 14- p. 412-413Bart- answer the questionsPhillip -answer the questionsMarsha- are there any ethical concerns in this case? What do you recommend?Chapter 15- p. 440Jefferson- answer the questionsKara- answer the questionsAdditional assignment- open the file/ attachmentRead the article as well as watch the entire video. We will have discussion on […]
Activity DescriptionFor this assignment, you will undertake
Activity DescriptionFor this assignment, you will undertake an analysis based on a self-designed fictitious study that utilizes statistical methodologies. You willfirst develop a fictitious problem to examine – it can be anything. For example, maybe you want to look at whether scores on a standardizedcollege placement test (like the SAT) are related to the level of income a person makes 10 years after college; Or, whether those whoparticipate in a Leadership Training program rated as better managers compared to those who do not; Or, whether ones political affiliation isrelated to gender. These are just a few examples; be creative and […]
Accounting for a Specific Circumstance Please respond to th
Accounting for a Specific Circumstance’ Please respond to the following:Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to research companies who have potential (1) pollution problems, (2) environmental-disposal problems, or (3) demolition issues (specifically big-box stores). Next, analyze how you, as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a “big box store” that has potential pollution, environmental-disposal, or demolition problems, would handle these costs in your financial statements and communicate this proposed plan to your colleagues on the management team. Indicate how any resistance would be overcome. Support your stance with the information that you obtained through your research.Recommend the advantages and […]
“Jim finds himself in the central square of a small South
“Jim finds himself in the central square of a small South American town. Tied up against the wall is a row of twenty Indians, most terrified, a few defiant, and in front of them several armed men in uniform. A heavy man in a sweat-stained khaki shirt turns out to be the captain in charge, and after a good deal of questioning, Jim is able to convince the captain that he got there by accident while on a botanical expedition. The captain explains that the Indians are a random group of the inhabitants who, after recent acts of protest against […]