Your task in this assignment is to observe a religious cerem

Your task in this assignment is to observe a religious ceremony (any ritual, festival, or worship) and write a reflectivepaper about that experience. you may use a video for any ceremony. make sure paper covers introduction, Detailed description of event or situation, Use as many of the senses as appropriate in your description.Is there any background information known that would be relevant to share? Analysis of the situation and of your feelings, what were your thoughts and Has this experience changed your assumptions/values/attitudes/beliefs on the subject matter? lastly,  What do your changed feelings/understandings about the topic imply for you personally or […]

Your search for&nbspstatistics test questions a professor is tr

Your search for statistics test questions a professor is trying to convince her colleagues that peer tutoring works. she compares the results of students in two classes one with and one without the peer tutoring. for the non-tutored group the mean score fore for 35’studentsnis 81 with a sigmaofm7. for the tutored group the mean for 40 students was 85 with a sigms of 4. do theses results suggest that the tutoring works? ( sigma=.05)

You will submit one Word document. In the first part your as

You will submit one Word document. In the first part your assignment document, provide short answers to the following questions (250 words or less). Part A. Questions about non-parametric proceduresWhat are the most common reasons you would select a non-parametric test over the parametric alternative?Discuss the issue of statistical power in non-parametric tests (as compared to their parametric counterparts). Which type tends to be more powerful? Why?For each of the following parametric tests, identify the appropriate non-parametric counterpart:Dependent t testIndependent samples t testRepeated measures ANOVA (one-variable)One-way ANOVA (independent)Pearson CorrelationPart B. SPSS AssignmentIn this part of the assignment you will perform […]

Write&nbspa 500 word summary of the ethical issues that affect

Write a 500 word summary of the ethical issues that affect your selected research question and methodology, including the following: PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE AND ORIGINAL WORK PLEASE AND ALL BULLETS NEED TO BE ANSWEREDWrite a brief statement of the research question.  Alcoholismand How it Affects PeopleList the possible ethical issues, such as consideration of characteristics of your sample, type of data collection, potential for bias, and so forth.Identify and cite the APA ethical standard concerning the issue.Respond to each issue, specifying how you, the researcher, will minimize or eliminate it.Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines.

Write two 350- to 700-word essays the first about one of th

Write two 350- to 700-word essays: the first about one of the readings from Ch. 14 listed below, and the second from one of the readings from Ch. 16 listed below. For each essay, remember to introduce your topics with a concise thesis statement and follow up with supportive arguments. Complete each essay with a logical conclusion.Choose one of the following readings from Ch. 14 and discuss how your selected reading illustrates the key principles of feminist thought:14.2: Simone de Beauvoir14.3: Nancy Chodorow14.4: Carol Gilligan14.5: Sandra Harding14.6: Hélène Cixous14.7: Sherryl KleinmanChoose one of the following readings from Ch. 16 and […]