The 100 Percent Rule That Will Change Your Life” Ted Talk (by Benjamin Hardy)

I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation. Link to the video available here: Be sure that your responses are adequately thorough and detailed. Some of the answers may just be fill-in the blank while others clearly require more detail and full sentences. It might be helpful to take notes while watching the video in order to appropriately answer the questions below. Keep in mind that the questions are asked in order of the video’s progression, making it easier to identify the answer. Most of the answers to the questions below come directly from the Ted Talk […]

2-3 pages with word document

Need help with my Economics question – I’m studying for my class. Assignment Task: Option 1 Your task is to perform the following steps: Go to the following tutorial link: Follow all the steps necessary to install Spark locally Answer question 1: How many times is the word “Hadoop” counted when the tutorial has printed out all the word counts? Answer question 2: How many seconds did it take for the count job to complete when looking at the web console at http://[yourComputerIPaddress]:4040/jobs/, where [yourComputerIPaddress] is you computer IP address to which installation was performed OR Option 2 Your […]

Simple writing and one outline-01

I need help with a Writing question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. Part 1: Please answer each of these three questions in three paragraphs, 5-8 sentences per paragraph: 1. What does Parenti (see attached file) mean by the concept of so-called ‘failed states’? Explain this concept, and provide an example, explaining why this is a ‘failed state’. You may parenthetically cite Parenti as you deem necessary, however please put your explanation in your own words. Remember that throwing in a quotation and not explaining its significance or breaking it down further will not answer […]

Week 6 | Genre Shift Project Reflection (Project 3)

I’m working on a English question and need guidance to help me study. After you have composed your two texts, you will write a detailed reflection of at least 700 words in which you demonstrate critical thinking about your research process and the rhetorical choices you made while completing this project. Your reflection should address three main topics: The specific rhetorical situations of each text. In other words, the audience, purpose, and genre: First, identify the audience, purpose, and genre of your text(s). Then, describe the specific relationship(s) between the audience, purpose, and genre of your text(s). In other words, […]

Human Sexuality chapter 17 & 18

Can you help me understand this Social Science question? i need 300 words for chapter 17 and 300 words for chapter 18 Chapter 17 Provide a short summary of the reading taking key points and highlighting them (approximately 1-2 pages) Please also answer the following questions: 1) How do you distinguish between flirtation and sexual harassment? Give examples of each and discuss. Are there gender differences? Does it make a difference whether one person is in a position of authority over the other? A peer? Dating? Has concern about sexual harassment changed people’s behavior? 2)What impact does anti-gay prejudice have […]