Practice change intervention: please discuss how your practice change intervention will improve nursing practice and patient outcomes… practice change intervention Please use the following bullet points as headings; answer each bullet point independently, and remember to use references to support each of your answers. Please do not modify the template. Part I: All Students Please answer all the following questions independently with a complete paragraph for each one (please include references to support each of your answers): 1. As you complete your project implementation (or case study simulation), please discuss how your practice change intervention will improve nursing practice and patient […]
Category: Elite Term Papers Samples
Database of sample papers to be used as study materials. Elite Term Papers Samples
Schizophrenia And Bipolar Clinical
Schizophrenia And Bipolar Clinical: The following template is to be completed for each simulation experience during the Fall 2022 quarter… Schizophrenia And Bipolar Clinical Virtual Clinical Simulation Documentation The following template is to be completed for each simulation experience during the Fall 2022 quarter Course Number & Title: FAL22-PRN1562LL-MHD-MHXA1A3Z Number of Required Clinical Hours: 45 Section: MHXA1A0Z Faculty: Kelly Economon Campus/Campuses: FM Date Submitted: Clinical Plan for Fall 2022 QuarterThis table provides a summary/tracker of how the hours will be completed for the Fall 2022 quarter. Delivery Method Hours Dates/Times Hours to completed at a clinical siteSite Name: Prairie St. […]
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Write a double-spaced page. It will be written and typed using established guidelines APA for professional papers… Autism Spectrum Disorder Topic: Autism Spectrum Disorder and the Impact on patients and patients’ care Instructions: Write a double-spaced page. It will be written and typed using established guidelines APA for professional papers. There will be a maximum of one (1) reference from journals or Internet sources. DO NOT cite any source that is not an official web page of an organization such as National Institutes of Health, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, or Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, […]
D2 Understanding Digital Identity Formation
D2 Understanding Digital Identity Formation: This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to conduct research into how a digital footprint… D2 Understanding Digital Identity Formation Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content 1. Top of Form Competency This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to conduct research into how a digital footprint is created by looking at your own personal and professional life to determine your digital identity. In addition, you will be able to examine how an organization’s digital footprint impacts their overall success. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable […]
Bipolar: Interview the patient and obtain a thorough medication history from a patient that provides adequate information to conduct… Bipolar DO NOT WRITE A PAPER JUST ON BIPOLAR Follow the instructions MUST BE MAX 10 PAGES!!!! Assignment Criteria: 1. Collecting the Demographic Data: Interview the patient and obtain a thorough medication history from a patient that provides adequate information to conduct a comprehensive medication review. This information will include patient’s demographics, past and current medical history, and social history. -MAKE UP THIS PATIENT 2. Identifying the Drug Record: The drug record is a comprehensive record of the patient’s medications (prescription […]