DO NOT BID IF YOU CANNOT DELIVER A+ WORKFor this term paper, review all materials in Chapter 52 along with The National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care’s report “” In the report, review the following domains:• Domain 3-Psychological Aspects of Care• Domain 4-Social Aspects of Care• Domain 5-Spiritual Aspects of Care• Domain 6-Cultural Aspects of Care• Domain 8-Ethical and Legal Aspects of CareAfter completing your reading, along with any other source, if any, of your choosing, address and support your particular position/view on the following issues, and, specifically, how you would apply the Saint Leo University core values of community, respect, and integrity into your […]

Discuss the overall significance of inventory turnover to a

Discuss the overall significance of inventory turnover to a retail store.Compare Wal-Mart’s 2012 and 2013 inventory turnover rate, and give your opinionon the way in which Wal-Mart could improve its inventory turnover ratio. Providea rationale for your response.From the e-Activity, examine the costs that Wal-Mart includes in inventory andcost of sales. Defend the three (3) descriptions that Wal-Mart used to classifyinventories, and suggest two (2) other descriptions that Wal-Mart could includewithin their notes that would be useful to financial statement users. Justifyyour response.

Discuss the early history of criminal theory and its applica

Discuss the early history of criminal theory and its application to crime control i.e., Positivist School vs. Classical School, plus gender, class and race as they relate to crime. Is racial profiling is justifiable? Ever? If the answer is yes, discuss how effective the profiling must be to remain justified? If the answer is no, do the events of 9/11 suggest a justification for other forms of ethnic profiling?The post should be between 500-1000 words. Please keep in mind that this is a discussion forum when bidding. Make sure to use at least two sources and be sure that they are properly […]

Directions Use the real estate datayou used for your Week 2

Directions: Use the real estate datayou used for your Week 2 learning team assignment. Analyze the data and explain your answers.  Youare consulting for a large real estate firm. You have been asked to construct a model that can predict listing pricesbased on square footages for homes in the city you’ve been researching.  You have data on square footages and listingprices for 100 homes.1.   Which variable is the independent variable (x)and which is the dependent variable (y)? 2. Click on any cell.  Click on Insert→Scatter→Scatter with markers(upper left).To add a trendline, clickTools→Layout→Trendline→Linear TrendlineDoes thescatterplot indicate observable correlation? If so, does it seem to be […]

Developing research questions, hypotheses and supporting var

Developing research questions, hypotheses and supporting variables requires practice.  In practicing for the final paper in this course, each student is to quickly identify, from an open source article, a research question that is discussed, a hypothesis put forth, and variables identified by an author. Read “Filling the Global Energy Research Gap,” by Andrew Revkin. In 250 to 300 words, identify a hypothesis put forth in the article and at least two variables that are found in the article, and then explain how they are measured. Consider using the chart as a method for identifying variables as well.